Combinations and variations of the topics listed here are possible at any time.
Success through language and appearance
How to design your personal image
Authenticity and coherence, sovereignty and persuasiveness. These qualities are commonly considered the key to success and: Who does not want these qualities? Especially when dealing with customers, a reliable, personalized CI (Corporate Identity) is essential. The better this matches your image and company design, the more coherent the overall picture becomes - the easier it will be to keep your customers in a pleasant memory
Memorized and read speeches belong to the hated standard and everyday image of all listeners. Why authenticity matters, what happens in a speaker's speech and how you can bind the audience to you by simple means without having to restrict yourself, you will learn in this lecture.
Investigations prove: We like to buy from successful companies. To perceive one's own successes and to stage them sensibly is not for everyone and not always easy. It is too easy to fall down either from one side or the other side of the horse: one puts his light under the bushel and hopes that the others in the modesty shown will recognize the brilliance of the competence, or one starts to feel like a peacock to present and forget and lose his opponent.
The winner is the one who gets up once more than falls down. Important people have always had visions and could not be deterred from their plans, despite numerous setbacks. Why the inner attitude contributes to the achievement of goals more than the existing investment capital and which qualities you need in the long run, in order to survive thirsty stretches, you can hear here.
When everything becomes interchangeable - services, products and suppliers, then you can bring a decisive advantage: yourself! Emotional customer loyalty puts people and the relationship between provider and (potential) buyer in the foreground. You recognize the advantages that lie in the uniqueness of your person and hear why the customer also appreciates this. After the lecture, you will see the frightening ghosts of our time, who mean: price pressure and price erosion, disloyalty even of satisfied customers and lack of product breadth of smaller suppliers, because you know that you have something more valuable to offer.
Fat makes you fat and spicy sharp? What nutritional lies circulate and how we like to fall for it is just one of the topics of this talk. You will learn how you can eat meaningful and healthy, without having to give up enjoyment and why oils, fats and butter, as well as coffee and meat are not as bad as their reputation. Mens sana in corpore sano is quite right, but not everything that is supposed to make us believe helps!